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Sunday 20 July 2014

Saptarishis- The seven stars

                SAPTARISHI’s (the seven sages), have a greater significance in Indian mythology. They have attained long life span due to their yogic powers and with the power of their penance. Though they are listed with different names in various literatures, they are the most powerful sages of Vedic land. They are the mind born sons of Lord Brahma (Creator). Other representations are Lord Vishnu(Preserver) and Lord Shiva( Destroyer). Saptarishi’s live for a period of time known as manvantar (306,720,000 Earth Years) serving as representative of their father Brahma.

At the end of Manvantar, new Saptarishis take the responsibility from the old. SaptaRishis are the highest in rank over Devatas and Other classifications of Rishis who are Rajarishi( Royal Sage, means king who is also a sage), Maharishi(Their third eye is open completely). All the SaptaRishis are Brahmarishis, they have completely understood the meaning of Brahman. Vishwamitra is the only one sage who was ranked as Brahmarishi with his deep penance. All the Brahmarishis are capable of defeating every weapon on earth, can forecast the future, Not influenced by Life and Death.


As per Shatapatha Brahmana and Brihadaranyaka Upanishad-
Atri, Bharadvaj, Gautama, Jamadagni, Kashyapa, Vashista and Vishwamitra.

As per Krishna Yajurveda-
Angiras, Atri, Bhrigu, Gautama, Kashyapa, Kutsa and Vashista.

As per Brihat Samhita-
Marichi, Vashista, Angiras, Atri, Pulastya, Pulaha and Kratu.

Manvantara is the age of Manu, used for time measurement in Hinduism. Manu is created by Brahma to create world and on his death another Manu is created to continue the cycle. 14 manvantara’s create a Kalp( Day+ Night of Brahma) according to time cycles of Hinduism. At the end of each kalp there is a Pralay where the world is destroyed and it lies in a state of rest this period is called the “Night of Brahma”. Only Brahma will sleep and neither Lord Vishnu nor Shiv are having sleep. The cycle of creation starts here again. Life of Brahma started in the Navel of Lord Vishnu and it is for 100 years (day Time). In the day time he creates world and in night he absorbs the life force back to him. Creation and destruction are done forever like this. Creation of Brahma is called Vikalp and total creation is called as Mahakalp.

Classification of yugas is from Manvantara. Each Manvantara have 71 Chaturyugas (Mean 4 sub-yugas- Satyug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug and Kalyug).

SATYUG is for 4800 years (17,28,000 Human years), TRETAYUG is for 3600 years(12,96,000 Human years) , DWAPARYUG is for 2400 years(8,64,000 human Years) and Finally KALYUG is for 1200 years(4,32,000 Human Years—Currently we are in 5105 year as of 2014). Hence a Chaturyug is of 12,000 Years of Brahma in Total. We can observe a decrease in life span of humans also in this case. It is believed that Justice and truth are decreasing continuously in each stage of four YUGA’s.

In the current Manvantara the SaptaRishi’s are:-
Kashyapa, Atri, Vashista, Vishwamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni and Bharadvaja. All of them appears to us a stars in a format shown below. There is one more star which is slightly visible among them, Arundhati wife of sage Vashista.

For the story of Vishwamitra, Click here..

Vashista and Arundathi:-
Vashista is the author of Vasisht Samhitha a treatise on electional astrology. He is glorified in Rig veda. He is the rajGuru of Suryam vamshi. Arundathi is the wife of sage Vasishta.

Gautama and Ahalya:-
The Rig and Sama Vedic Mantras are authored by Sage Gautama. He was one of the earliest writers on Law. He also authored Gautama Dharma Sutra. Ahalya is the wife of sage Gautama.

For Story of Gautama and Ahalya, Click here

Atri and Anasuya:-
Anasuya is the wife of Sage Atri. He made a great penance in Kula Mountains to have Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv as his sons. The whole world is set on fire with his fierce penance, pleased gods of trinity were born as Dattatreya, Chandraartri and Krishnantri.

Anasuya is known for chastity. One day trimuthy decided to test and arrives her home as Brahmins. They asks her to serve food in naked. She agrees and converts them into kids. Surprised with the power of her chastity trinity of gods requests to give their original form and hence she becomes their mother.

    Kashyapa is the son of Marichi and grandson of Brahma. He was the father of Devas, Asuras, Nagas, garudas, vamana, Agni, Adityas, Daityas, Aryaman, Mitra, Pusan, Varuna and all Humanity. He is the projenitor, prajapati. He was author of Kashyapa Samhitha which is classical reference book in field of Ayurvedic Paediatics, Gynecology, and Obstetrics.

                In the story of King Parikshith killed by Serpant Takshaka, kahsyapa arrives to stop it when Takshaka challenges him by biting a tree and turning it into ashes. Kashyapa restores the tree with his yogic powers and defeats the serpant. However it explains the curse of Brahmin Boy and tells that consequences has to be faced. Sage understanding the future of King leaves the place taking offerings from Takshaka. Soon he realizes that what done is not correct and visits tirupathi for getting the rid of sin.

                  Jamadagni is the father of Parashuram, sixth incarnation of Vishnu. Also the descendant of sage Bhrigu one of the Prajapatis created by Brahma. Renuka was his wife, she used to fetch water from river in an unbaked clay pot with the power of her chastity. One day her heart was filled with desire when a group of Gandharvas are passing in sky. The pot dissolved. She being afraid of her husband doesn’t come home. Jamadagni knowing this from his yogic powers asks parashuram to kill her mother which he did.

For complete story, Click here

                  Jamadagni is a very angry sage he cursed Sun god on one day when he interrupted the personal time of sage and his wife renuka. He cursed him to get afflicted by Rahu (Surya Grahana has its origin here in this curse). Sun god in turn cursed him for death through a king, which is the story of Kartaviryarjuna.


                  He is one of the greatest sage in Vedic times and also descendant of sage Angirasa. His father is Devarsi Brihaspati. Sage Bharadvaja is Author of Ayurveda. He is the father of Guru Dronacharya. His ashrama still exists in Allahabad. He was a master of advanced military arts, including the Devastras. His wife is Suseela. He had a daughter named Devavarnini and son Garga.

Dronacharya(Guru of Pandavas and Kauravas) was born as a result of his attraction to Apsara.

According to some of the Puranas, Bharadvaja is found on banks of river Ganga and adopted by king Bharatha.He had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of vedas and in addition meditated for Indra, Lord Shiva and Parvathi for more Vedic Knowledge

Kutsa Maharshi:- (Krishna yajurveda)
He is the first who stated the allegories of first laws of celestial bodies. He outpoured 65 out of 82 Suktas in Rudram. The Prokshana Mantram,” Om Bhoo, Om Bhuvaha, Om Suvaha” said to keep power on water to purify anything which it touches is from the Mantra Drishtas Atri, Bhrigu and Kutsa Maharshi.

                The Astrology of SAPTARISHIS have a great significance in the Indian science. It’s a very huge concept to discuss, it’s the Vedic science.



  2. Good job. Thanks for the information.
