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Sunday 13 July 2014

Story of 2 parrots

King Vikramaditya with more patience gets on to the tree and takes Bhethal one more time on his shoulder. Starts his walk away from the tree. When Bhethal again starts telling one more story, O King..!! I will tell you a surprising story which you never heard. You have to answer after listening to the story or else your head will be cracked into 1000 pieces.

Once there was a kingdom named Umavathi, king is Kesari. He has a parrot which can tell the future of anyone. On a day king asks the parrot to tell who will become his queen. Then the parrot says that she is the princess of the kingdom Magadh and her father is Chandralochan. It also says that she is also having a parrot which can say the future and she already knows about him. Without delay king sends his message to kingdom Magadh for asking the hand of princess. It is heart fully accepted by the king and both of them got married. King Kesari placed both the birds in a single cage and lived happily.

            The male parrot tried to be happy with the female parrot but the parrot didn’t allow it to get close to her. Both of them started to fight with words, Across gender they started saying one should not believe the other and finally approached king for justice. King asks the female parrot on what basis she is claiming like that. O King..!! Listen to this story.

           In a village named Midhilapur there lived a merchant DharmaDatt. He have a son named Datt. He made many wrong friendships and spoiled all his properties. He having nothing in his hands reaches to another merchant Hiranyaka and tells all his story with great sorrow. Merchant gives him another chance in life by giving his daughters hand to him. With great happiness they lived for years. One day he expressed his wish to visit his hometown along with his wife near his Father in Law. Hiranyaka sends his daughter along with him. On the way while they are resting near a tree he takes all the gold from his wife and throws her in an empty well. He went back to his old bad friends and lavishly enjoying there. Mean time some passengers who are crossing that well identifies his wife and sends her back home near father. His wife tells them that some thief’s has taken gold and him along with them but throwed her there. Her parents gave good support for her and they started waiting for him.
           Datt has spent all the money he has taken away and thinking that he can get more money on saying that his wife is sick comes back to her father. Surprisingly he sees his wife there and thinks of running away. When she comes after him and says that there is no threat to him. She takes him home and everyone feels happy. That night he takes away all the gold and cuts the throat of his wife. Her parents felt very sorrow for her death.
        Hence we cannot believe Gents is as concluded by the female parrot.
Listening to the story King asks the male parrot, on the basis of what it blamed the other gender. Then Male Parrot starts telling a story, In a village named Rakshitha there lived an merchant named Dhanagupt. He have a daughter named vasumathi, she is married to Samudragupt and they lived happily. One day Samudragupt left the city on business to earn more money.

       His wife loves a Brahmin and secretly meets him every day. After many days her husband returned back and with love he brought everything to her. She accepts all the love from husband and still continues to meet that Brahmin. One day at midnight the Brahmin is coming to meet Vasumathi. Soldiers of kingdom thinking that he is a thief hurts him with arrows. He reaching Vasumathi in deep pain remains silent due to fear. Vasumathi unable to identify his injuries thinks he is playing with her and hugs him and her nose ring gets stuck in his teeth before he died. She was unable to remove her nose from the dead man’s mouth and cuts her nose. With the nose injured she blames her husband for doing like that. Husband expresses his innocence and no one believes it. Even the king doesn’t listen to him and gives judgment for punishing. Meanwhile soldiers come and tells the king about what has happened. Angry king asked her to leave the town. This is why we should not believe women explained the parrot.

King Kesari listening to the story of parrot’s and was unable to judge. O King Vikramaditya..!! now you tell me how you can judge this dispute. King says, All the men are not wrong ones there are only some people who are wrong. But women can do anything for themselves, they are always selfish and not afraid of doing anything wrong as they are believed by everyone without proof. Hence my judgment is in favor to male parrot. Bhethal Accepting to king’s judgment flies back to the tree.

                                             --- Another story continues.

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